New Mills Nursery

Be Safe
Be Kind
Be Inspired

British Values

At New Mills Nursery School we believe that the EYFS curriculum already provides a solid foundation to encourage the children’s understanding and acceptance that we live in diverse communities with many different cultures and lifestyles. We are an inclusive setting, and our ethos and curriculum enables children to be independent learners, to make choices and to build strong relationships with their peers and adults. We know that children learn best when their personal, social and emotional needs are met and where there are clear and developmentally appropriate expectations for their behaviour.


We have formal and informal practices for listening to children. We complete a questionnaire each year with the children and act upon the outcomes. Parents are also invited to complete an annual questionnaire and make suggestions about how we could improve our provision. We encourage the children to consider the contributions and views of others and to problem-solve together for a mutually beneficial outcome.

The Rule of Law

We use our ‘Treasure Keepers’ positive behaviour management system to reinforce the behaviours that make a positive contribution to our school community. We use positive strategies to handle conflict and praise and acknowledge desirable behaviours. The children are given responsibilities and are expected to make a fair contribution to activities such as helping to tidy away at the end of a session. Children are involved in discussions about rules and are expected to contribute and co-operate with them.

Individual Liberty

Within school the children are encouraged to make good choices. As a school we educate and provide boundaries for young children to make choices safely through our provision of a safe enabling environment and effective teaching. Children are encouraged to be assertive and expect others to listen to them and to understand their own rights and are given opportunities to resolve conflicts effectively.

Mutual Respect

Children are encouraged to develop their respect of others through caring, sharing and listening to others. The children are expected to be polite and kind towards each other through respectful relationships and their developing skills of empathy and understanding. Staff help the children to understand how their actions and words can affect others.


Tolerance of Those of Different Faiths and Beliefs

We aim to enhance children’s understanding of different faiths and beliefs by participating in a range of celebrations throughout the year. The children learn about different faiths through the celebration of different cultural festivals and our wide range of resources such as songs from around the world, dual language books and cooking utensils from different countries. Children use the ‘All About Me’ boxes to discuss similarities and differences between themselves, their families and those of other children