Values & Ethos
Be Safe, Be Kind, Be Inspired
At New Mills Nursery School, we are committed to the principle that high quality, flexible, thoughtful and child-focused early years’ education provides a child with the best start to their education, meets the needs of the individual child and builds a strong foundation for life-long learning.
We aim to provide this by:
- Developing a positive and interactive partnership with parents and carers through effective liaison and communication
- Providing a safe and secure learning environment
- Working closely with other professionals and colleagues to ensure the best educational opportunities for every child
- Encouraging each child to develop a sense of belonging to and responsibility towards their community
- Fostering independence, self-esteem, confidence and courage
- Providing a broad and balanced curriculum delivered through play and first-hand experience
- Working holistically and appropriately with the child as the focus
- Encouraging the children to question and respond positively to challenges
- Enabling children to develop the lifelong skills of positive social interaction
- Building children’s understanding and appreciation for the feelings, opinions, values and beliefs of others
- Nurturing children’s enthusiasm for the world around them
- Valuing each child as an individual
- Ensuring equality of opportunity for all children
- Proving positive role models through adult interaction, resources and the curriculum
- Enabling children to be active and reflective participants in their own learning
- Giving each child the opportunities to reach their true potential
- Providing a challenging curriculum that reflects the constantly changing world in which we live
- Preparing a child for life as a learner